14 settembre 2018

SAN PAOLO (BRASILE). “Threats to Democracy and Multipolar Order”

September 14th. International Seminar ‘Threats to Democracy and Multipolar Order”, an initiative from Celso Amorim and Perseu Abramo Foundation (FPA), the event receives thinkers and politicians with international prestige.

9h | Opening Session
- Marcio Pochmann, President, Perseu Abramo Foundation; and
- Gleisi Hoffmann, Senator of the Republic and president from the Worker’s Party (PT).

9h20-13h | Session 1 – Democracy and the crisis of contemporary multilateralism
- Dominique de Villepin, former French Prime Minister;
- Massimo D’Alema, former Italian Prime Minister;
- Pierre Sané, former Secretary General at Amnesty International and president at the Imagine Africa Institute (Senegal);
 - Jorge Taiana, Member of the Mercosul Parliament and former Argentinian Minister of Foreign Affairs; and
- Marilena Chaui, Philosopher and Emeritus professor at the Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences School of the São Paulo University (USP) - Brazil.

Coordination: Celso Amorim, president of the International Committee of Solidarity in Defence of Lula and Democracy in Brazil and former Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs (Brazil).

14h-17h45 | Session 2 – Progressiveness and Neoliberalism into a Developing World
- Noam Chomsky, Emeritus Professor in Linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Laureate Professor in Linguistics at University of Arizona (United States of America);
 - Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira, Emeritus Professor at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (Brazil);
- Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, president at the Lázaro Cárdenas y Amalia Solórzano Centre and former Federal District Governor (México);
- Carlos Ominami, former Senator and director at the Chile 21 Foundation (Chile); and
- José Luís Rodrigues Zapatero, former Spanish Prime Minister.

Session Coordination: Luiz Dulci, vice-president from Worker’s Party and former Secretary General at the Presidency of Republic (Brazil).
